Posted by: codecalla | June 24, 2013


One of the key aspects of creating realistic characters is to give them real problems, even if they are in extraordinary circumstances.  Even if you’re fighting a dragon, you could experience burns, terror, and maiming.  All of these situations have feelings and descriptions associated with them, although we may not have dragons in the current sense, we can feel the threat toward the character.

Characters possess different viewpoints, which can be difficult if you are particularly hard headed about certain issues.  Although the writer does influence the creation of characters and plots, I’d like to suggest that the characters are not necessarily the narrator or the writer.  That means sometimes it may be necessary to familiarize yourself with alternative views and lives to enhance the balance and interesting appeal of your story.

Currently, I am trying to imagine different viewpoints of my characters as they react, act, and interact with each other.  Writing for realistic settings is similar, if you base it on places you’ve experienced.  Fantasy is building on reality, and taking it places that people don’t expect.

To be honest, I’m still developing these skills with every story, even if I have read numerous books about character, setting, plot development and genre writing.   I want my characters to live in a world that feels real, even if it is fantastical.

I keep a folder on my computer for images related to my stories, such as characters or settings.  I use them as a base for what I imagine, although usually I have an idea already without the images, they can be helpful.

I used to clip out images from National Geographic magazines and other magazines when I was a kid, using them for inspiration.

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